If you keep rejecting Internet politics, do propose better alternatives.
Rather than reject referendums, Lok Sabha lies, Trump gangs or Brussels labyrints, let us think constructively about better political systems. One alternative is embraced by the younger generations. See what happens in the UK.
‘The internet has transformed media, retail, communication and other areas of life, but there has been one notable exception – politics.’
‘57% of all adults want the opportunity to regularly vote via digital and social media channels on key issues and legislation debated in parliament.’
And of referendums have perceived shortcomings, search for the reduction of those shortcomings so that 'democracies' become democratic. I have offered a number of improvements earlier here.
Of course, there is the risk of hijacking at the Internet. But it is a risk offline as well, and perhaps even more so.
If you keep rejecting Internet politics, do propose better alternatives.