Our behaviors are for about 90% shaped by our unconscious. That means our feelings, thoughts and actions are largely steered by our unconscious brains. What’s more, our unconscious is much better in dealing with complexity, such as physicists and astronomers are doing.
This has long been established by specialists concerned, that is, psychologists.
Now, take a recent article in Mind Matters News that summarizes spiritual considerations used by scientists. The article has, for instance, this citation by physicist John Archibald Wheeler: “Reality grows out of the act of observation, and thus consciousness itself.”
If scientists, quoted in the article, studied some psychology, they could know that our observations are hardly happening consciously. Observations are largely steered by the unconscious, interpreted by the unconscious, stored by the unconscious, and sometimes turned into action by the unconscious.
Therefore, what we consciously experience as reality will remain just a tiny part of all reality. Both spirituality and allied science would largely benefit from realizing this limitation.
What is called the expanding our spiritual awareness is a road back to early childhood experience of unlimitedness. It was allied to paradisiacal feelings of total comfort, merger, almightiness, and invulnerability. The term spiritual consciousness often refers to this state of mind.
In spiritual circles it is, though often unintendedly, cherished as consciousness, whereas it is a recreation from the time we were unaware of what happened within us and outside of us. We could not even distinguish the difference between the inside and the outside. In other words, we are irresponsible human beings and had better not left alone if trouble has to be prevented.
Admittedly, as unconscious fetuses and infants we may be in contact with a type of outer reality that escapes our conscious observations and practical survival. But that idea only holds true if we embrace objectivism. Nowadays, however, objectivism is increasingly rejected as a realistic approach and exchanged for the idea of inter-subjective truth.
Inter-subjective truth is a compilation of knowledge that people have consciously collected and exchanged. And as I have explained above, that is only a marginal part of all our brain capacity.
Cherishing our paradisiacal sensations of early childhood is a dangerous endeavor on the ground and an obstacle to scientific progress.
It is backing the wrong horse.